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Quantum Colonic: Follow up

Colonic w/ 2x enemas and follow up advice and recommendations

50 min
150 British pounds
In Clinic (in Person) - Central London (Monument)

Service Description

This is a follow up session where we make further progress towards achieving your gut health goals. This session entails: ✩Quick follow up discussion and track your progress since your last session. ✩5min follow up scan (subject to 1st timers colonic) Holistic Health Screening of Full body, mind, emotions, and nutritional health scan with our state of the art Quantum Physics futuristic technology (Bioenergetics) to track changes from your initial scan. ✩Nutrition and protocol review provided: Supplements/nutritional advice and recommendations ✩A full review of Lifestyle and habits and advice and coaching ✩2 Enemas are included ✩Session Ended with after care recommendations and support. ✩ Exclusive 1-1 whatsapp access to your practitioner during your protocol ✩Colon Hydrotherapy involves introducing water to the colon with the use of hygienic apparatus, to aid the evacuation of waste from the large intestine. The treatment is also known as colonic irrigation. The first appointment will usually last about an hour and a half and will include a consultation, medical questionnaire and a full explanation of the equipment and procedure. This could also include suggestions about some positive lifestyle changes to support enhanced health and wellbeing. Following the consultation, the therapy itself takes around 45 minutes, during which modern, hygienic equipment gently cleanses the colon using warm filtered water, in a simple, dignified procedure. This filling and emptying is repeated several times and massage is applied to the abdomen. Unlike an enema, colonic hydrotherapy reaches the whole length of the large intestine, with the massage from the therapist helping to ensure an effective cleanse. The water pressure and temperature are carefully controlled and all waste is drained away discreetly in a closed system with no mess or odours. Focusing specifically on the bowel, colon hydrotherapy can facilitate the management of occasional constipation. It can also provide a sensation of overall well-being and often inspires people to consider a healthier diet and lifestyle. Colon Hydrotherapists are trained to recognise contra-indications. Your therapist may request that you seek the advice of a medical practitioner prior to your treatment. To check for contra-indications, see page 12 of the Core Curriculum. ✩ Parasite Cleanse is available✩ ✩ Candida Cleanse is available✩ ✩ SIBO Cleanse is available✩

Cancellation Policy

Cancellation and Refunds: We do not issue refunds. An available alternative date will be provided to reschedule your session subject to sufficient notice give (see below) , if you are not able to make it subject to adhering to our advance notice policy (see below), 100% payment will be forfeited. For Full Day appointments(4 hours to 8 hours): 72 Hours advance notice is required otherwise 100% payment will be forfeited. For Half Day appointments (3-4 Hours): 48 Hours advance notice is required otherwise 100% payment will be forfeited. For 1-2 Hours appointments: 24 Hours notice is required otherwise 100% payment will be forfeited.

Contact Details

  • 36 St Mary at Hill, Billingsgate, London EC3R 8DU, UK



Central London

The Light Centre - Monument

36 St Mary at Hill





14:00 -19:00

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Mobile: +447397 885590

We do not diagnose or treat any medical conditions, disorder, injury or disease. Nothing in the information provided is intended to treat or cure disease or to replace conventional medical approaches.

Website Built By Arsam Rasool

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