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Chinese Reflexology: Face

Healing your inner sole

45 min
85 British pounds
In Clinic (in Person) - Central London (Monument)

Service Description

Rebalance your body and mind with our relaxing reflexology session, a Chinese Medicine Modality at Star Freud Wellness. Our experienced professionals will guide you through the ancient practice of reflexology, helping to ease tension, improve circulation, and promote natural healing throughout your entire body. This is a non-invasive, soothing alternative therapy which has medical benefits linked while achieving relaxation of the body. Offering Reflexology on either: ✩ Feet ✩ Hands ✩ Face ✩ Combination In Chinese Medicine, the extremities are viewed as a microsystem of the body meaning that you can tell the health of your entire body in just your feet, for example. This is a combination of having a health treatment that also induces relaxation. From this we are able to say where an imbalance in the body is and then give guidance on how to treat it. This is ‘me time’ focused to help destress you from your busy lifestyle. Reflexology can bring about a state of deep relaxation that aids the body to stimulate the body’s own healing processes. Relaxation occurs upon the application of pressure on the feet during a treatment sending calm signals via the peripheral nervous system to the central nervous system (CNS). When the body is in a state of relaxation the blood supply to the organs increase and allows the system to achieve homeostasis. Reflexology follows a holistic approach which addresses the whole body rather than individual symptoms, it can benefit clients of all ages, from tiny babies to the elderly as they respond well and love the treatment and It can be used to soothe minor ailments or sleep problems. Also specialised in: ✩ Preconception ✩ Pregnancy ✩ Postnatal care ✩ Babies ✩ Children ✩ Elderly ✩ Couples ✩ Special needs ✩ Disability ✩ Spinal ✩ Hormones ✩ Corporate ✩ Trauma ✩ Have a condition present for a certain length of time For each client the effects of the therapy are unique, however most find it supremely relaxing. If you are struggling with minor health problems, it may be that a calming and relaxing session of reflexology may help you. Additionally, many clients value reflexology as a way of pampering themselves – an antidote to the strains of modern living. Book a session with us and experience the benefits for yourself. ✩✩✩ Course of 4 to 6 weekly treatments are recommended✩✩✩

Cancellation Policy

Cancellation and Refunds: We do not issue refunds. An available alternative date will be provided to reschedule your session subject to sufficient notice give (see below) , if you are not able to make it subject to adhering to our advance notice policy (see below), 100% payment will be forfeited. For Full Day appointments(4 hours to 8 hours): 72 Hours advance notice is required otherwise 100% payment will be forfeited. For Half Day appointments (3-4 Hours): 48 Hours advance notice is required otherwise 100% payment will be forfeited. For 1-2 Hours appointments: 24 Hours notice is required otherwise 100% payment will be forfeited.

Contact Details

  • 36 St Mary at Hill, Billingsgate, London EC3R 8DU, UK


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