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Disponible online

Breathwork: Conscious Connected: ONLINE

A guided meditational practice offering many benefits on all levels

45 min
85 libras esterlinas

Descripción del servicio

A wonderful opportunity to take a pause and deeply connect with out core being, releasing, transforming and healing the mind, body and spirit. This safe space session will be held by Star Freudenberg who will welcome you into the space then will lead you through an induction of how the session will run. You will then be lead into a guided conscious connected breath work session for an hour. The session will end with a sharing circle and aftercare support. Many people are quite unaware of how to properly breathe and as a result health, vitality and energy levels are being drastically compromised. As human beings we hold onto tension within our bodies and in doing so create physical, mental and emotional blockages. Conscious Connected Breathing (CCB) is a breathing self-healing technique held in a safe space that is grounded and meditational in nature in which the breather sits or lays down and intentionally connects the inhale with the exhale without any pauses. This is the correct way to breathe. A few sessions will enable you to use this technique for yourself as a lifelong tool. Many people have discovered an expanded state of consciousness as they improve their breathing process. Your life can open up and become more fulfilled through conscious breathing. Every culture in the history of the world has, in one way or another acknowledged the existence of a life-force energy in the human body. The Indians call it prana, the Chinese call it chi, and the Japanese call it ki. In the West it is called bio-energy field. This energy can be attained and expressed in different ways, and so again each culture interprets it slightly differently. For example, prana and chi, as well as meaning ‘energy’ also means ‘breath’ because one can generate energy by practising breathing exercises. For thousands of years, humans have understood breathing has a powerful influence over our physiological and psychological wellbeing. But many people still find it difficult to understand the link between breathing and its impact on our body’s physiology and stress levels. Research has shown the way we breathe has a powerful effect on how stressed we feel. When we feel stressed, one of the physiological changes that occurs is activation of the sympathetic nervous system (fight/flight response) and an immediate increase in respiration switching from slow, abdominal breathing to faster, shallower, chest breathing. This is a normal and healthy response in the short-term...

Política de cancelación

Cancellation and Refunds: We do not issue refunds. An available alternative date will be provided to reschedule your session subject to sufficient notice give (see below) , if you are not able to make it subject to adhering to our advance notice policy (see below), 100% payment will be forfeited. For Full Day appointments(4 hours to 8 hours): 72 Hours advance notice is required otherwise 100% payment will be forfeited. For Half Day appointments (3-4 Hours): 48 Hours advance notice is required otherwise 100% payment will be forfeited. For 1-2 Hours appointments: 24 Hours notice is required otherwise 100% payment will be forfeited.

Datos de contacto

  • London, UK



Central London

The Light Centre - Monument

36 St Mary at Hill





14:00 -19:00

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  • Star Freud Wellness Whatsapp

Mobile: +447397 885590

We do not diagnose or treat any medical conditions, disorder, injury or disease. Nothing in the information provided is intended to treat or cure disease or to replace conventional medical approaches.

Website Built By Arsam Rasool

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