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Chi Nei Tsang: Star's Signature Protocol

Internal Organ Chi Massage w/Psychic Surgery

1 Std 30 Min.
275 Britische Pfund
In Clinic (in Person) - Central London (Monument)


Experience the transformative power of Star’s Signature Protocol, a personalised Chi Nei Tsang treatment offered exclusively at Star Freud Wellness. ✩This ancient Chinese healing art focuses on the abdomen to release tension and promote healthy energy flow, providing holistic wellness and relaxation. ✩Chi Nei Tsang translates as ‘Internal Organs Chi Massage’. Chi means Energy or Life Force, similar to Prana in the yogic tradition. ✩Chi Nei Tsang (CNT) was used by ancient Taoist sages who understood the importance of organ health. ✩Chi Nei Tsang works on the stomach by focusing on the internal organs and the obstructions that prevent the energy to circulate in the body, the belief system being that the organs connect with the five forces of the universe and provide a link between the human microcosm and the universal macrocosm, the organs containing the essences of the spiritual force of a human being. ✩The organs hold physical space and form, providing structure to the body. They are said to contain life-force and the essences of spiritual energy. There is a link between the organs and emotions. ✩When stress prevails, the abdomen can become a common dumping ground for excess negative emotions and toxic energy. This causes a negative cycle of ill-health, sluggishness and a loss of vitality. ✩The Taoist tradition emphasises the importance of the Tan Tien – the energy centre located around the navel – our first connection to the world. ✩Chi Nei Tsang detoxes and revitalises this essential energy centre. Direct massage of the organs/organ pressure points and the abdomen and navel can alleviate the debilitating effects of stress, increase vitality, balance emotions and improve immunity and health. This is a hybrid modality treatment encompassing techniques of: ✩Initial/Follow up Consultation ✩Traditional Chinese Medicine eyes, tongue and pulses diagnosis ✩Gut Health assessment ✩Meditation ✩Abdominal/Gut/Internal Organ massage ✩Sound Healing ✩Energy Healing (reiki) ✩Psychic Surgery ✩Shamanic Healing ✩Trauma Healing/Ancestral healing ✩Shiatsu ✩Chiropractics ✩Homeopathy ✩Lymphatic Drainage Massage ✩Kinesiology ✩Post Treatment Results and Findings consultation Book your session today and start your journey towards optimal health and vitality. ✩✩✩10 Sessions course of treatments are recommended✩✩✩

Umbuchung & Kündigung

Cancellation and Refunds: We do not issue refunds. An available alternative date will be provided to reschedule your session subject to sufficient notice give (see below) , if you are not able to make it subject to adhering to our advance notice policy (see below), 100% payment will be forfeited. For Full Day appointments(4 hours to 8 hours): 72 Hours advance notice is required otherwise 100% payment will be forfeited. For Half Day appointments (3-4 Hours): 48 Hours advance notice is required otherwise 100% payment will be forfeited. For 1-2 Hours appointments: 24 Hours notice is required otherwise 100% payment will be forfeited.


  • 36 St Mary at Hill, Billingsgate, London EC3R 8DU, UK



Central London

The Light Centre - Monument

36 St Mary at Hill





14:00 -19:00

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Mobile: +447397 885590

We do not diagnose or treat any medical conditions, disorder, injury or disease. Nothing in the information provided is intended to treat or cure disease or to replace conventional medical approaches.

Website Built By Arsam Rasool

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